From driving tours & club meets to social gatherings & major events, we know how to share our excitement for Mercedes-Benz!
Join us at the annual Euro Fest events! You may enter your Mercedes-Benz in many classes to compete for an award or display your car alongside us in our MBCA Car Corral. Either way, you do not want to miss Mississippi's premiere classic European auto and motorcycle show series.
2022 Dates are:
Natchez - April 23rd
Ridgeland - October 1st

Since the Mississippi Section's founding in March of 2014, we have faced many challenges as you would expect for any car club covering such a large area. The state of Mississippi has a population less than 3,000,000 total and is a six hour drive across from north to south making our prospective members relativity few and spread out. Unlike other Sections, who have the bulk of their memberships in metro centers like Dallas, Nashville, St Louis, etc., we have to constantly reach out far and wide to grow our membership. In under four years, we have taken this challenge and built our Section on a stable foundation with our Board and core members at it's center.
The Mississippi Section strongly believes in getting the whole family, especially the youth, involved in the MBCA is the best way to insure that the club will continue to grow and that our passion for Mercedes-Benz will be carried on to future generations. We also embrace diversity and are all inclusive of members regardless of race, gender, or religion; after all it is the love of the automobile, Mercedes-Benz in this case, that brings us all together. We encourage non-owners to even come along, so that we may share the Mercedes-Benz experience with them and possible influence their next purchase, be it vintage or modern.
Mississippi itself has a lot to offer from being known as the birthplace of America's music and home to some of the best restaurants in the world, we plan to show it all off through our Section's various activities. Mississippi is home to three major universities and many colleges. We are known for our agriculture and tourism, but are fast becoming a destination for other industries such as automotive and high-tech manufacturing. Our state also offers many forms of recreation, from hunting & fishing to relaxing on the Gulf Coast or taking a road trip along the 444 mile Natchez Trace Federal Parkway. By being an ambassador for our state, our Section can shine their stars (pun intended) on the many good things happening all around here.
In closing, we submit that the Mississippi Section has one of the largest per capita memberships and Mercedes-Benz sales numbers in the country. Yes, we do have some of the same problems as other Sections, such as member retention and so forth. We do not see these as problems, but rather great opportunities. Just as Mercedes-Benz is known, we also want our Section to be known as the "Best of the Best"! We are achieving this with first class events and true Mercedes-Benz enthusiasts as members.
Please let us know if you have an questions or comments. We cannot do this without you, our members!
To Join the
Mississippi Section
go to the MBCA Website at

Mike Marsh
Vice President & Event Coordinator
Scott Boone
Treasurer & NBO Liaison
Kelly Kyle
Secretary & Membership Chairman
Morgan Larkins
Media & Newsletter Editor
Daniel Hughes
Technical Advisor
Henri Fuselier
MBCA Regional Director
Ken Koehler
Call us at: 601-946-1950
Electronic Mail at: mbcams601@gmail.com